




临床讲师兼研究生莎朗·库尔茨展示了她的海报: 好抓! 预防产后婴儿跌倒的循证安全方案 西格玛国际第46届双年展将于2021年11月6日在印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯举行.

黛博拉Tedone在护理科学教育全球会议上发表演讲 & 研究


黛博拉Tedone最近在一次会议上应邀做了演讲 “横向暴力——只要说不。!“在G。全球护理科学教育会议 & 研究 on 9/28/21.  自从她的文章在杂志上发表以来,她已经收到了几次邀请, RN.



艾米罗摩最近在护理世界会议上展示了一张虚拟海报 护生对老年人的态度.






鲍勃·多尔曼, director for the traditional and graduate nursing programs and associate professor of nursing at Roberts Wesleyan College, 最近接受了《美高梅mgm平台》的采访. “模拟中心——包括病房, 公寓和高保真的人体模型在教育学生方面起着关键作用,多曼说。.

阅读更多 关于创新如何改变医疗保健教育.

Dr. Santhiny Rajamohan获奖. 慕勒纪念卓越教学奖

Dr. 护理学副教授Santhiny Rajamohan被授予 芭芭拉年代. 穆勒纪念奖 优秀教学奖. 该奖项每年颁发给一名教师,以表彰其有效的教学.

Dr. 拉贾莫汉也在 基督教护理杂志 (《美高梅mgm平台》), 并在罗彻斯特信仰圣经教会的女士圣经会议上发表了(“恢复”), 今年九月(纽约).

Deb Tedone出席虚拟会议

2021年9月28日,Deb Tedone发表了“横向暴力,只要说不”!,在全球护理科学、教育虚拟会议上 & 研究. 阅读更多.

Dr. Santhiny Rajamohan在护理杂志2018(9月)上发表文章

Dr. Santhiny Rajamohan, 护理学副教授, 是《美高梅mgm平台》一文的主要作者,这篇文章发表在《美高梅mgm平台》杂志9月刊上 2018年护理. 这篇文章解决了青少年自杀的重要问题,并着重于风险评估, 治疗干预和建议的成功结果. 本文可通过Ovid数据库中的Golisano 图书馆获得.

Dr. 卡罗尔·格里斯沃尔德在维拉诺瓦大学完成了精益六西格玛黑带-医疗保健培训

Dr. 卡罗尔·格里斯沃尔德, 护理学副教授, 最近在维拉诺瓦大学完成了精益六西格玛黑带-医疗保健培训. This program educates healthcare professionals in techniques and strategies to help lead top-quality projects in healthcare organizations. 这些技能对于护理领导者以及护理教育领导者来说是必不可少的. Dr. 格里斯沃尔德计划将这些材料纳入研究生护理课程. This will be a wonderful value added component for our students as we prepare them for leadership roles in healthcare.

Dr. Anselmo-Witzel发表了一项研究,以了解Y一代护士的经历

索尼娅Anselmo-Witzel, 博士学位, RN, SNT, 护理学副教授, authored a publication in the April 2017 issue of Journal of Nursing Administration: “Are Generation Y Nurses Satisfied on the Job? 了解他们的生活经历”. Four themes emerged in this descriptive phenomenology study of Generation Y nurses that brought meaning to their experiences: feeling good, 的关系, 工作压力和选择. These experiences increase fulfillment of inner feelings and job satisfaction increasing the likelihood of job retention.


Coles_Laura.jpg劳拉·科尔斯, 美高梅mgm平台的新教员之一, 最近完成了菲尼克斯大学护理教育理学硕士学位.  此外,劳拉还获得了急诊护理认证.


Crotser_Cheryl.jpg祝贺 谢丽尔Crotser as the co-author of the manuscript on Decision Support Needs of Women with Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome. This manuscript will be published in the Journal of Genetic Counseling and is currently available electronically ahead of print.

Dr. 谢丽尔Crotser & Dr. Susanne Mohnkern出席Sigma Theta Tau国际和NLN教育研究会议

Dr. 谢丽尔Crotser 最近发表的一项定性研究的结果与博士. Susanne Mohnkern of recent graduates of the traditional undergraduate program on their experiences learning and providing spiritual support and care at the Sigma Theta Tau International and NLN Education 研究 Conference. She also presented this study at the Innovations in Faith Based Nursing Conference at Indiana Wesleyan University in June of 2014.

Dr. 谢丽尔CrotserDr. Susanne Mohnkern


莎朗·戴维斯和Sandra " Sam " Brzoza participated in a poster presentation at two nursing education conferences in June of 2014 on their experience with developing a Interim Leadership Plan for the RN BS program. This presentation summarizes current literature and outlines the plan and evaluation used to provide leadership during Professor Brzoza’s sabbatical leave. 

莎朗·戴维斯Sandra " Sam " Brzoza


格里斯沃尔德_Carol.jpg卡罗尔·格里斯沃尔德 presented at the National Association of School Nurses 46th Annual Conference in Texas in June 2014 on the Prenatal Care at School Program.

她还介绍了学校产前护理项目, a new model of care for pregnant teens at 18th Brennal School Nurses International Conference at Greenwich University in England in July of 2015. 该计划结合了当地助产士的服务,以小组方式进行产前护理依从性, 这一弱势群体的入学率和有关分娩的知识. 



Georgia Lowmaster在JOGNN发表文章

祝贺 乔治亚·洛马斯特,注册护士到理学学士项目的兼职教授 她在罗切斯特大学完成了DNP课程. 博士的研究结果. Lowmaster的项目最近发表在《美高梅mgm平台》上, 妇科, 2014年1月的《新生儿护理. 这篇文章的标题是, 母乳喂养新生儿低血糖风险的循证方法

Sam Brzoza和Mary Stevens合著的关于衡量RN到BS课程的批判性思维的海报展示

教授Brzoza和史蒂文斯参加了第23届年度会议护士教育家主办的St. Anselm College in MAy of 2016 and presented their work on measurement of critical thinking in RN BS students. 历史上,标准化的工具被用来评估批判性思维, 然而, 教师们认识到了这种反思日志, 个人见解, 价值活动, 课堂展示和小组作业可以被证明是批判性思维的成功衡量标准. 他们被邀请再次出席明年的会议.

Dr. Santhiny Rajamohan Completes Dissertation 研究 Project on Leadership and Person Centered Care (PCC) in Long Term Care

Dr. Rajamohan完成了一项研究,审查了PCC实施之间的联系, 持牌疗养院行政人员的领导风格, 养老院(NH)设施特点.

This study was the first to attempt to identify the associations between licensed nursing home administrators’ (LNHA) leadership styles and the degree of PCC implementation, as well as the predictability of person-centered care (PCC) implementation specific to other associating factors.  LNHAs are the change agents who are ultimately responsible for implementing and embracing the PCC culture change, 但这是他们第一次被问及针对其设施的PCC实施情况.  This research provides new insight into LNHA leadership styles and factors significantly associated with PCC implementation.  变革型领导风格与在长期护理中实施PCC的关系最为密切.  Leading and motivating the long term care workforce are invaluable aspects of the nursing home administrator role in initiating and sustaining a PCC culture that is so vital to improved PCC delivery.

Findings are timely and provide new information regarding how LNHAs’ leadership styles might impact the PCC implementation in LTC.  Findings also suggest that  incorporating transformational leadership training in NHAs’ curriculum and offering continuing staff education/ training opportunities for developing such leadership skills in LNHAs may help promote PCC implementation.

克里斯汀·卢皮亚尼,m.s.S., R.N.莎拉·库尔哈恩成为护士教育者

The 护理学院 is pleased to announce that Christine Lupiani and 莎拉Culhane earned the designation Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) after meeting strict eligibility criteria and successfully completing a certification examination developed and administered by the National League for Nursing.  认证证明了他们对卓越教学的承诺, 并认可他们的专业知识, 作为护士教育者的技能和能力.

Christine Lupiani (2012) and 莎拉Culhane (2010) earned a Master of Science 在护理 Education from Roberts Wesleyan College and currently teach in the undergraduate nursing program.




Myers_Pat.jpgProfessor PAtricia Myers led a group of 11 high school students on a home repair mission trip to Ohio this summer through the organization 团体宣教团. 这是一个改变青少年生活的经历,因为他们继续在他们的信仰中成长. 







每年,Dr。. 卡罗尔·格里斯沃尔德和校友 of Roberts Wesleyan College partner with Bethel Christian Ministries to plan and lead a mission trip to Guatemala. 宣教行程包括轮椅分发和维修事工,以及为有需要的人建造房屋. 要观看这次旅行的视频,请点击 在这里.

上图中,是nasa的任务小组. 卡罗尔·格里斯沃尔德和校友


Culhane_Sarah.jpg莎拉Culhane 作为精神导师(和她的丈夫一起)在Koinonia营地工作了一个星期, 一个家庭和十来个青少年的精神静修地, 今年七月.






劳拉·科尔斯, Assistant Professor of Nursing and 10 students went to Costa Rica for a 10 day trans-cultural nursing trip and served over 600 people in rural clinics and slum areas of Costa Rica. 看看这个视频片段,了解这次旅行如何影响美高梅mgm平台的学生和哥斯达黎加人民: Video

美高梅mgm平台有幸看到上帝的供应和信实——这是对我自己的见证, 学生们, 以及美高梅mgm平台所服务的人民.——劳拉·科尔斯


卡罗尔·格里斯沃尔德DNP, M.S., R.N.

格里斯沃尔德_Carol.jpg卡罗尔·格里斯沃尔德 DNP, M.S., R.N. 在2013年获得了March of Dimes女性健康类年度护士奖. 她在产前护理和学校项目中的工作得到了强调. 恭喜博士. 格里斯沃尔德!