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课程 numbered 1000-1999 are open to freshmen; 2000-2999 to sophomores; 3000-3999 to juniors; 4000-4999 to seniors. It is recommended that students elect courses in the years for which they are listed. Freshmen will be admitted to courses above the 2000 level only with the consent of the instructor and the student’s advisor. Juniors and seniors taking freshman courses may be expected to do additional work. 任何高于4999的课程都是研究生课程.

The number in parentheses following the course title indicates the semester hours of credit assigned to the course.
An H following the course number indicates an honors level course.

为上帝辩护[课程](2 - 3)
The student develops an understanding of what it means to have knowledge and to believe and live rationally. This understanding is applied to belief in God as students explore direct ways of knowing, 有神论和基督教的观点, 挑战有神论和基督教信仰, 以及应对这些挑战的资源. Students from every religious and non-religious background are welcome, 包括那些正在寻找的人, 怀疑, 甚至不感兴趣.

The student learns how to interact effectively with non-believers and with Christians who are experiencing doubts in their faith, 通过研究, discussion and practice (role-play and/or interactions with guests who are experiencing doubts). Students learn how to argue for the reasonability of the Christian faith, and how it is that we can know that Christ is real. The foundation for this involves understanding individuals as whole persons with backgrounds, 情绪, 欲望, 和偏见. Students work towards developing and expressing in interactions with others the virtues of intellectual and spiritual humility grounded in love. 这门课涵盖了直接认识的方法, 有神论和基督教的观点, 挑战有神论和基督教信仰, 以及应对这些挑战的资源. It also addresses various approaches to doctrinal 问题 that parishioners often struggle with.

在本课程中, students study the traditional systems of ethical decision-making, 包括一些基督教的观点, and apply what they learn to the analysis of vexing ethical and social 问题 in contemporary society such as abortion, 反歧视行动, 死刑, 克隆, 宪法的自由, 安乐死, 和平主义和正义战争, 极端贫困. The goal of this course is for students to develop a familiarity with ethical argumentation, some sophistication in developing and articulating justifiable ethical perspectives, 一个有充分根据的, internalized ethical sensibility to guide them in their lives. Prerequisites for Business Management major: PSYC 4410, SOCS 3410, PSYC 4520, and BUAD 4350.

This course is designed to help the student understand the traditional systems of ethical decision-making and learn to utilize this knowledge in the analysis of some of the relevant ethical 问题 which arise in medical and environmental contexts. Prerequisites for Health Administration major: PSYC 4410, SOCS 3410, PSYC 4520, and BUAD 4350.

批判性思维[课程](2 - 3)
The student develops skills for evaluating arguments through an applied study of the formal and informal components of language and reasoning. The course is preparation for a thoughtful, informed, and attentive life.

This is an advanced seminar-style class that explores topics in philosophy not covered in the rest of the curriculum. (如果主题不同,可以重复.)(按需提供)

Ancient Philosophy and Early Christian Thought [Course] (3)
The intent of this course is to discuss comparatively the following philosophical figures or schools: the Pre-Socratics, 的诡辩家, 苏格拉底, 柏拉图, 亚里士多德, post-Aristotelian哲学家, 和奥古斯汀.

Consideration is given to Western philosophy from Bacon through the eighteenth century, 特别关注笛卡尔, 帕斯卡, 斯宾诺莎, 莱布尼茨, 洛克, 加州大学伯克利分校, 休谟, 康德. (提供隔年)

This course is designed to acquaint the student with philosophical thought since the beginning of the 19th century. Emphasis is on Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Marx, James Moore, Russell, and Wittgenstein. (提供隔年)

学生们获得了对概念的理解, 问题, and approaches prevalent in epistemology (the theory of knowledge) since Gettier's ground-breaking work in 1963 and apply this understanding to the particular case of religious knowledge. (提供隔年)

Skepticism, Atheism and Religious Faith [Course] (3)
What does it mean to attain depth in life and to become authentically human? 这样做的障碍是什么? And is religious faith (a) inimical, (b) irrelevant, or (c) essential to reaching this goal? The aim of this course is to think about these closely related questions through a study of Friedrich Nietzsche and Soren Kierkegaard, two 19th century thinkers whose relevance and importance today is even greater than it was in their own time.

This course is a philosophical analysis of religious belief. Students will analyze a selection of the following 问题: faith and reason, 宗教语言, 神圣的上帝, 神的全能, 神圣的上帝, 请愿的祈祷, 奇迹, 神圣的不变性, 支持或反对上帝存在的争论, 以及个人不朽.

自主学习[课程](1 - 3)
Independent study provides opportunity to pursue advanced or special-interest topics not covered in the curriculum. 先决条件:1. 初级站. 2. A minimum of 9 semester hours in the discipline of the Independent Study. 3. 平均成绩不低于2分.在学科中. 4. Proof of motivation and ability to work independently. 5. Approval of the department in which the study is to be taken. 6. 获得学生指导老师的许可, 课程讲师, 系主任, 院长, 及司法常务官.